Timothy Douthwaite
Course Manager Canine and Feline Behaviour and Training

Tim's industry knowledge is primarily in Animal Behaviour and training, from experience in Zoo's, Aquariums, Kennels and Cattery, Canine Hydrotherapy, self employed Dog-sitting and self-employed Animal training before moving into academia.
Module leader for four modules; Canine & Feline Health and Husbandry, Welfare, Behaviour, and Animal Management & science’s Welfare Legislation and Ethics Module and is particularly interested in animal-human augmented and alternative communication, modifying dog breed confirmation, and the development of genetic modification, focusing on its application for curing disease and the de-extinction of species. Tim supervises undergraduate students with an interest in animal behaviour and welfare.
Research Interests:
Genetic modification, animal-human augmentive and alternative communication and behavioural psychology, Breed confirmation modification.