Governance -

Governance of Askham Bryan College

The College’s Corporation includes seventeen members or governors. In line with the Instruments and Articles of Government the Corporation’s membership includes the Principal, twelve governors, two student governors and two staff governors.

Governors have a critical role in:

  • Ensuring the financial wellbeing of the College and monitoring the effective and efficient use of resources and the quality of its services
  • Ensuring that the College’s educational character meets the needs of the community which the College serves
  • Ensuring that the College mission and vision both reflects the needs of the community it serves and informs and directs every aspect of the College’s activities
  • Monitoring the ethos of the College

Committee Membership as at 1 August 2023

Please see the download section below. Any further information is available from the Clerk to the Corporation in line with the Instruments and Articles.

Please direct any correspondence to the Clerk to the Corporation:

Askham Bryan College, Askham Bryan, York, Y023 3FR

Alternatively please call 01904 772277 orΒ emailΒ us.

In regard to Freedom of Information Act requests, please email


Financial Statements

Financial Statement July 2023

Download full document – click here


Financial Statements

Financial Statement July 2022

Download full document -click here


Financial Statements

Financial Statement July 2021

Financial Statements

Financial Statement July 2020


Instruments and Articles

Askham Bryan College Video